Academy of Empowered Employers
In Spring and Summer 2023 we held training sessions for over 50 employers in Gloucestershire
As part of our open learning programme, we held 12 training sessions for Gloucestershire employers from national experts:
- Disability Rights UK: disability confidence training (February 2023)
- Genius Within: neurodiversity awareness training (March 2023)
- Mind: managing mental health at work (May 2023)
- Business Disability Forum: workplace adjustments (June 2023)
Over 50 employers in Gloucestershire took part. The training supported employers to make practical adjustments but also challenge thinking about disability. On our ‘Resources’ page you can find resources from these training sessions that may be helpful to use in your workplace.
Full details of the different training can be found by clicking on the training provider logos below.

Disability Rights UK: Disability Confident Training
This training is ‘Disability 101’ and teaches the foundations establishing the groundwork for future training. The training will teach employers that disability is broad ranging, what disability means under the Equality Act and specifically what the Equality Act means for employers.
This training is employer focused , and participants will be introduced the social model of disability and what disabling barriers employees might face at work. This includes:
- A deeper understanding of how to apply the Equality Act at work
- Confidence to have conversations about disability at work
- Confidence to start exploring disabling barriers at work

Genius Within ‘Neurodiversity Training’
By the end of the session, participants should gain an overview of the neurodiverse profile and the implications of this for workplace performance.
There are some practical ideas for making sure the work environment suits a diverse range of employees, and how to organise tasks so that people can work at their best.
Greater awareness and knowing more about what causes typical issues such as time management problems or memory difficulties can make a huge difference. It is often possible to pre-empt difficulties and prevent the need for further reasonable adjustments.
Our sessions are interactive with exercises demonstrating evidential and inferred information, memory and cognition.

Mind: ‘Managing mental health at work’
This training aims to support managers and is designed to complement our Mental health awareness course. The course emphasises the importance of looking after yours and your employees’ mental health, and will build your confidence in supporting employees.
The course includes the following topics:
- Mental health, the business case and your role as a manager
- Overview of common mental health problems
- Building resilience and supporting people in the workplace
- Build skills to look after yourself while supporting others
- Signposts to support and information.

Business Disability Forum- Work Place adjustments
This training will help the attendee understand what an adjustment is and how to identify barriers and how to remove them or minimise their affect. It covers how to determine what is reasonable, the different types of adjustments and the Access to Work scheme.
- Understand disability and how it is defined based in the Equality Act 2010
- Understand the organisation’s legal requirements to support disabled employees
- Identify how you can ensure a holistic approach promoting best practice in your organisation
- Know where to go for further information and support.